SUPPLY Resources
The SUPPLY Project consortium is an excellent example of solidarity: many stakeholders from different Member States working together to improve the lives of EU citizens. As the project outputs are those of the SUPPLY consortium, they cannot be considered to necessarily reflect the views of the European Blood Alliance or any individual organisation which forms part of the consortium. More details on the SUPPLY consortium can be found in the our partners section.
The SUPPLY project had many outputs including reports, tools, and position papers. Additionally, SUPPLY-linked publications (peer-reviewed) are provided below also.
Securing commitment and control for the supply of plasma derivatives for public health systems. I: A short review of the global landscape Vox Sanguinis October 2024 (Open Access)
Securing commitment and control for the supply of plasma derivatives for public health systems. II: A survey of national pathways Vox Sanguinis October 2024 (Open Access)
Balancing donor health and plasma collection: a systematic review of the impact of plasmapheresis frequency Transfusion Medicine Reviews August 2024
Incentives for plasma donation Vox Sanguinis May 2024
Very‐high frequency plasmapheresis and donor health–absence of evidence is not equal to evidence of absence Transfusion November 2023