Our Partners

SUPPLY Consortium


The SUPPLY Project consortium consists of European national or regional blood transfusion services, national Competent authorities, not-for-profit plasma fractionators, physicians, and donors. Most SUPPLY participants are internationally renowned experts holding leading positions within these Blood Establishments, hospitals/health centres, universities and/or fractionation centres. These prominent blood and plasma system stakeholders are uniting their broad and complementary expertise in blood and plasma collection, processing, and medicinal use to deliver ultimately for patients. The 14 Beneficiaries and 6 Associated Partners from 14 European countries are listed and detailed below.


Project Partner


European Blood Alliance

The Netherlands

Etablissement Français du Sang


Stichting Sanquin Bloedvoorziening

The Netherlands

Belgische Rode Kruis


Universitaet Hamburg


DRK-Blutspendedienst Baden-Wurttemberg-Hessen GGMBH


European Hematology Association

The Netherlands

International Plasma and Fractionation Association

The Netherlands

Bloddonorerne I Danmark


Istituto superiore di sanita


The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service


International Federation of Blood Donor Organization (FIODS)

Italy/ Monaco

Servicio Vasco de Salud Osakidetza


Irish Blood Transfusion Service


Aarhus Universitet Hospital


Osterreichisches Rotes Kreuz


Zavod Republike Slovenije Za Transfuzijsko Medicino


Ministerio De Sanidad


PHI Institute for Transfusion Medicine of RNM

North Macedonia

Instituto Portugues do Sangue e da Transplantacao IP


The European Blood Alliance (EBA)

The European Blood Alliance (EBA) is an association of not-for-profit Blood Establishments, with 28 members (including observers) throughout the European Union, EFTA States, and the United Kingdom. EBA members share a vision of a Safe and Sustainable Blood Supply for Europe, and this vision is underpinned by 5 core values: Patient Care, Donor Health, Voluntary Non-Remunerated Blood Donation, Openness through Information Sharing, and Excellence through Evidence.

As the Project Coordinator, EBA facilitates efficient operation of the SUPPLY project and ensures consortium efforts are targeted towards reaching all the project goals. EBA is a member in all work packages, and the leader of both Work Package 1: Project management and coordination and Work Package 7: Dissemination and communication.

More information on EBA can be found here: www.europeanbloodalliance.eu

The International Plasma and Fractionation Association (IPFA)

The International Plasma and Fractionation Association (IPFA) is an association representing organisations engaged in the collection of plasma and fractionation of it into plasma-derived medicinal products.

IPFA supports and promotes the activities of not-for-profit organisations around the globe engaged in the collection and fractionation of plasma to enable robust, safe supply and patient access to plasma derived medicines.

Through education and collaboration with stakeholders, we advocate for public health values and donor health protection.

IPFA’s goal is for plasma to be acknowledged as a strategic resource within public health care systems, underpinned by a safe and reliable contribution from the not-for-profit sector. IPFA will continue to show leadership in this field and bring expertise to reach this goal.


European Hematology Association (EHA)

EHA serves as the face and voice of hematology and hematology professionals in Europe and promotes excellence in patient care, research and education in hematology through a broad range of activities, including an annual congress, the publication of an open-access journal (HemaSphere), the development of top-notch education and training programs for clinicians and researchers. To promote the interests of its members in policy, regulatory and scientific areas and networks, EHA engages with the EU institutions and relevant stakeholders including patients, learned societies and other professional groups, pharmaceutical companies, research organizations and public health NGOs



Sanquin collects plasma and provides safe and efficient production and supply of blood and cell products to treat patients. Sanquin also offers complex diagnostics, high-quality scientific research and education with a focus on transfusion medicine, haematology, oncology and immunology. From the grounds of the New West Health & Innovation District, surrounding Sanquin’s headquarters in Amsterdam, Sanquin offers an international platform for innovative companies and organisations working in these areas. All with a focus on better health for donors and patients.


Centro Nazionale Sangue Istituto Superiore di Sanità (CNS-ISS) – Italy

Centro nazionale sangue is the national competent authority for blood and blood components acting as coordinator of the Italian national blood system. It also carries out technical-scientific functions to reach strategic goals such as: self-sufficiency of blood and blood products, promotion of voluntary non-remunerated blood donation, high quality and safety of blood components and continuous development of transfusion medicine.


The French Blood Establishment (EFS)

The French Blood Establishment (EFS) is a public organization established in January 2000. EFS has the monopoly in France over the collection, testing, preparation and distribution of labile blood products (except for the distribution of plasma since 2015) to some 1900 health care facilities. Voluntary and unpaid donations, high quality blood products self- sufficiency, as well as patient and donor safety are the principles governing blood transfusion in France and enforced as such by French law and regulations. A majority of recipient blood typing and blood components issuing in France is carried out directly by EFS. The plasma for fractionation collected and qualified by EFS is provided to the Laboratoire Français du Fractionnement et des Biotechnologies (LFB). Aside from the core transfusion activities, EFS carries out the following associated activities: immunegenetics, tissue and cell engineering, advanced therapy medicinal products, reagent manufacturing, research, training and education.


The Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS)

The Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS) is the statutory body with responsibility for the national blood supply. The IBTS was established by Statutory Instrument in 1965. The IBTS also provides testing and tissue banking services to hospitals and is responsible for the Irish Unrelated Bone Marrow Registry.



The International Federation of Blood Donors (IFBDO/FIODS) promote regular, anonymous, voluntary, non-remunerated blood donation worldwide. More information is available here: http://www.fiods-ifbdo.org/

Universität Hamburg (UHH)

Belonging to one of Germany’s largest universities, the influential Faculty of Business Administration (Hamburg Business School) at the Universität Hamburg (UHH) has an excellent reputation both at home and abroad for scholarship and advances in three major research areas

  • Health Economics
  • Logistics and Digital Services
  • Marketing and Communication


More information is available here: University of Hamburg (uni-hamburg.de)

The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS)

The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS) is the specialist provider of safe high quality blood, tissues and cells products and services in Scotland.

Our key priority is to ensure that NHS Scotland has enough blood to meet the transfusion needs of patients in Scotland.

We make sure that blood, tissue and cells are available when patients need them


Belgische Rode Kruis – Belgium

Belgian Red Cross-Flanders collects blood throughout the Flemish Community. We’re responsible for providing a constant supply and adequate quantities of safe blood products to hospitals across the Flemish Community. The Centre for Evidence-Based Practice (CEBaP) supports the blood banking activities of Belgian Red Cross-Flanders with scientific evidence, including the development of systematic reviews, evidence-based guidelines and primary research studies.

