A lively session on the shortages of Immunoglobulins at the Heads of Medicines Agency/European Medicines Agency multi-stakeholder workshop on shortages included a lengthy discussion on SUPPLY following the insightful joint presentation by SUPPLY Project leader Daphne Thijssen-Timmer, who gave an overview of the project, and Work Package 4 Team member Fabio Candura, who presented the preliminary findings of the WP4 Survey on National and EU infrastructures, policies, and legal frameworks for plasma collection and PDMPs supply.
The full session is available here ((52) Breakout session 2A: Immunoglobulins – YouTube) and includes excellent contributions from other SUPPLY project consortium members including Karin Magnussen from the International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations (IFBDO/FIODS) and Robin Doeswijk from the European Hematology Association (EHA). Gerry Gogarty from NHS Blood and Transplant, a member of the SUPPLY External Advisory Board, also provided a powerful intervention.
Selected highlights from the session are available at the times below on the recording:
- Daphne and Fabio’s 15 minute presentation on SUPPLY starts at 00:32:30
- Gerry Gogarty on UK Plasma at 00:58:15
- Daphne and Karin answer question about SUPPLY at 01:27:46
- Fabio gives a summary of factors affecting PDMP shortages at 01:43:46
- Daphne on the need to invest in public sector donor recruitment and plasma collection at 01:59:55
- Daphne and Fabio on plasma donor safety criteria at 02:09:30